Susan, your sentiments you shared with your poetry describing home after home after home after home, scratch that; make it houses after houses after houses, definitely hit home. Pun intended. Every time I return to Southern California I remember the way it used to be 60 years ago, even 35 years ago, when you could see from the highway to the beach and there was only seagrass and ice plants in between. Now everything from one county to another place is row after row after row of tile covered homes. It is a bit of a gut wrenching feeling. Thank you for the travel logue and the perspective through your eyes.

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The memories of our 'places' have formed us, in the same way they are forming those now who will not be able to even imagine our memories as being possible!

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Susan Mulder


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I'm not cool enough to have a whiskey emoji, but cheers, friend🧡

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