I hope some day to meet Julie Andrews but must say I have been well-acquainted with He Tried. And I so love your somewhat snarky voice and am so grateful when it arrives in my inbox. Thank you for making me take a second look at Job's wife and challenge that tired old narrative. Love to you, dear one as you make this world more beautiful.
I have many a pondering about job’s wife as well. All of his losses were hers as well. I decided I would definitely cut her some slack and keep pondering. Your snark is beauteous, and I’m excited to read your words again. And I shall meet Julie Andrews and pray a blessing over her. 🤎
To hear you laughed out loud has made my day-probably my week! I am imagining your roses and they must be glorious-I hear they grow well in your neck of the woods!!
I can’t articulate at the moment what I felt when I read this, but I definitely felt a deep soul agreement. Thank you!
Thank you, I'm grateful there was a kindred spark!
I hope some day to meet Julie Andrews but must say I have been well-acquainted with He Tried. And I so love your somewhat snarky voice and am so grateful when it arrives in my inbox. Thank you for making me take a second look at Job's wife and challenge that tired old narrative. Love to you, dear one as you make this world more beautiful.
What a gift you are, and I sincerely hope I can introduce you to Miss Andrews-she is up to six leaves now!
I have many a pondering about job’s wife as well. All of his losses were hers as well. I decided I would definitely cut her some slack and keep pondering. Your snark is beauteous, and I’m excited to read your words again. And I shall meet Julie Andrews and pray a blessing over her. 🤎
From this heart of a snark to you-Love you my friend and can't wait to introduce you ;)
To hear you laughed out loud has made my day-probably my week! I am imagining your roses and they must be glorious-I hear they grow well in your neck of the woods!!